# Implementation
## Database Script
Here are the script for SQL Server
**Table - AuditLog**
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AuditLog](
\[Id\] \[bigint\] IDENTITY\(1,1\) NOT NULL,
\[UserId\] \[int\] NOT NULL,
\[UserName\] \[varchar\]\(50\) NOT NULL,
\[Action\] \[varchar\]\(50\) NOT NULL,
\[ChangedOn\] \[datetime\] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT \[DF\_AuditLog\_ChangedOn\] DEFAULT \(getdate\(\)\),
\[TableName\] \[varchar\]\(50\) NOT NULL,
\[RowId\] \[int\] NOT NULL,
\[Module\] \[varchar\]\(500\) NULL,
\[Page\] \[varchar\]\(500\) NULL,
\[Changes\] \[varchar\]\(max\) NULL,
\[Id\] ASC
**Stored Procedure - Common_AuditLog**
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Common_AuditLog]
@UserId INT
,@UserName VARCHAR\(50\)
,@Action VARCHAR\(50\)
,@TableName VARCHAR\(50\)
,@RowId INT
,@Module VARCHAR\(50\) = NULL
,@Page VARCHAR\(50\) = NULL
,@Changes VARCHAR\(MAX\) = NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AuditLog]
Class : AuditBehavior.cs
using Serenity.ComponentModel;
using Serenity.Data;
using Serenity.Data.Mapping;
using Serenity.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;
using Serenity;
using Tranzol.Administration;
namespace Tranzol.Modules.Common.BaseClass
/// <summary>
/// This interface is used to log the changes for Insert / Update and Delete.
/// This identify the Identity Column as Row Id \(Unique Id\) and save in Audit Table. If Identity column is not found then it use Id \(Hard Coded\) column.
/// </summary>
public interface IAuditLog
/// <summary>
/// This is used if want to store specific IdFields instead of default Identity field \(or identity field is not avail able \).
/// </summary>
public interface IExAuditLog
/// <summary>
/// Assign the field which need to save as reference id in Audit Log Table
/// </summary>
Int32Field IdField { get; }
public class AuditRowBehavior : IImplicitBehavior, ISaveBehavior, IDeleteBehavior
const string FieldSeperator = "; ";
string IdFieldName = null;
public bool ActivateFor\(Row row\)
var auditLog = row as IAuditLog;
if \(auditLog == null\)
var exauditLog = row as IExAuditLog;
if \(exauditLog == null\)
return false;
IdFieldName = exauditLog.IdField.PropertyName;
return true;
public void OnAfterSave\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnAudit\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) {
string auditLog = "";
AuditActionType AuditAction = AuditActionType.Delete;
if \(handler.IsCreate\)
auditLog = GetInsertAuditLog\(handler.Row\);
AuditAction = AuditActionType.Insert;
if \(handler.IsUpdate\)
auditLog = GetUpdateAuditLog\(handler.Row, handler.Old\);
AuditAction = AuditActionType.Update;
ExecuteAuditLogProc\(handler.Connection, AuditAction, handler.Row, auditLog\);
public void OnBeforeSave\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnPrepareQuery\(ISaveRequestHandler handler, SqlQuery query\) { }
public void OnReturn\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnSetInternalFields\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnValidateRequest\(ISaveRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnAfterDelete\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnAudit\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler\) {
var auditLog = GetInsertAuditLog\(handler.Row\);
ExecuteAuditLogProc\(handler.Connection, AuditActionType.Delete, handler.Row, auditLog\);
public void OnBeforeDelete\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnPrepareQuery\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler, SqlQuery query\) { }
public void OnReturn\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler\) { }
public void OnValidateRequest\(IDeleteRequestHandler handler\) { }
private string GetUpdateAuditLog\(Row CurrentRow, Row OldRow\)
List<UpdateField> audiDataList = new List<UpdateField>\(\);
var tableFields = CurrentRow.GetTableFields\(\);
foreach \(var tfield in tableFields\)
var propInfo = CurrentRow.GetType\(\).GetProperty\(tfield.ColumnAlias\);
if \(propInfo.GetCustomAttribute\(typeof\(IgnoreAuditLog\)\) != null\)
if \(propInfo.GetCustomAttribute\(typeof\(IdentityAttribute\)\) != null\)
IdFieldName = propInfo.Name;
if \(propInfo.PropertyType == typeof\(DateTime?\)\)
var currDate = \(\(DateTime?\)propInfo.GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
var oldDate = \(\(DateTime?\)propInfo.GetValue\(OldRow\)\);
if \(\(oldDate.HasValue \|\| currDate.HasValue\) && oldDate != currDate\)
audiDataList.Add\(new UpdateField { F = propInfo.Name, V = \(currDate.HasValue ? currDate.ToIndianDateFormat\(\) : "<empty>"\), O = \(oldDate.HasValue ? oldDate.ToIndianDateFormat\(\) : "<empty>"\) }\);
else if \(propInfo.PropertyType == typeof\(Decimal?\)\)
var currValue = \(\(Decimal?\)propInfo.GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
var oldValue = \(\(Decimal?\)propInfo.GetValue\(OldRow\)\);
if \(\(currValue.HasValue \|\| oldValue.HasValue\) && \(Convert.ToDecimal\(currValue\) - Convert.ToDecimal\(oldValue\)\) != 0\)
audiDataList.Add\(new UpdateField { F = propInfo.Name, O = \(oldValue.HasValue ? oldValue.Value.ToString\(\) : "<empty>"\), V = \(currValue.HasValue ? currValue.Value.ToString\(\) : "<empty>"\) }\);
var currValue = Convert.ToString\(propInfo.GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
var oldValue = Convert.ToString\(propInfo.GetValue\(OldRow\)\);
if \(currValue != oldValue\)
audiDataList.Add\(new UpdateField { F = propInfo.Name, O = \(oldValue.IsNullOrEmpty\(\) ? "<empty>" : oldValue\), V = \(currValue.IsNullOrEmpty\(\) ? "<empty>" : currValue\) }\);
//return auditLog;
return audiDataList.ToJson\(\);;
private string GetInsertAuditLog\(Row CurrentRow\)
List<InsertField> audiDataList = new List<InsertField>\(\);
var tableFields = CurrentRow.GetTableFields\(\);
foreach \(var tfield in tableFields\)
var propInfo = CurrentRow.GetType\(\).GetProperty\(tfield.ColumnAlias\);
if \(propInfo.GetCustomAttribute\(typeof\(IgnoreAuditLog\)\) != null\)
if \(propInfo.GetCustomAttribute\(typeof\(IdentityAttribute\)\) != null\)
IdFieldName = propInfo.Name;
//Check if field is of DateTime type to convert it in desired format.
if \(propInfo.PropertyType == typeof\(DateTime?\)\)
var currDate = \(\(DateTime?\)propInfo.GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
if \(currDate.HasValue\)
audiDataList.Add\(new InsertField { F = propInfo.Name, V = currDate.ToIndianDateFormat\(\) }\);
var fieldValue = Convert.ToString\(propInfo.GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
//Insert in log if values is defined for field.
if \(!fieldValue.IsNullOrEmpty\(\)\)
audiDataList.Add\(new InsertField { F = propInfo.Name, V = fieldValue}\);
return audiDataList.ToJson\(\);
public void ExecuteAuditLogProc\(IDbConnection Connection, AuditActionType AuditAction, Row CurrentRow, string AuditLog\)
using \(IDbCommand command = Connection.CreateCommand\(\)\)
IDbDataParameter pUserId = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pUserId.ParameterName = "@UserId";
pUserId.Value = \(\(UserDefinition\)Authorization.UserDefinition\).UserId;
IDbDataParameter pUserName = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pUserName.ParameterName = "@UserName";
pUserName.Value = \(\(UserDefinition\)Authorization.UserDefinition\).Username;
IDbDataParameter pAction = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pAction.ParameterName = "@Action";
pAction.Value = AuditAction.GetEnumText\(\);
IDbDataParameter pTableName = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pTableName.ParameterName = "@TableName";
pTableName.Value = CurrentRow.Table;
IDbDataParameter pRowId = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pRowId.ParameterName = "@RowId";
pRowId.Value = Convert.ToString\(CurrentRow.GetType\(\).GetProperty\(IdFieldName == null ? "Id" : IdFieldName\).GetValue\(CurrentRow\)\);
IDbDataParameter pModule = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pModule.ParameterName = "@Module";
pModule.Value = CurrentRow.GetType\(\).Name;
IDbDataParameter pPage = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pPage.ParameterName = "@Page";
//Sometimes same module is used for different pages for reusablity. So save page url to know the exact action page.
pPage.Value = GetPageUrl\(\);
IDbDataParameter pChanges = command.CreateParameter\(\);
pChanges.ParameterName = "@Changes";
pChanges.Value = AuditLog;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.CommandText = "Common\_AuditLog";
string GetPageUrl\(\)
string pageUrl = "";
if \(HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Request != null\)
var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if \(httpRequest.UrlReferrer != null\)
pageUrl = httpRequest.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
else if \(httpRequest.Url != null\)
pageUrl = httpRequest.Url.PathAndQuery;
return pageUrl;
public enum AuditActionType
Insert = 1,
Update = 2,
Delete = 3
/// <summary>
/// Any field which does not required to log in audit table. For Example InsertUserId, InsertDate etc
/// </summary>
public class IgnoreAuditLog : Attribute
/\*Keep the field name of only one character to save space \(string length\) while converting this to json\*/
public class InsertField
//Field Name
public string F { get; set; }
//Field Value
public string V { get; set; }
public class UpdateField
//Field Name
public string F { get; set; }
//Old Value
public string O { get; set; }
//Current Value
public string V { get; set; }
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static string ToIndianDateFormat\(this DateTime? dateTime\)
if \(!dateTime.HasValue\)
return "";
return dateTime.Value.ToString\("dd/MM/yyyy"\);
public static string GetEnumText\(this object EnumObj\)
Type type = EnumObj.GetType\(\);
if \(!type.IsEnum\)
throw new ArgumentException\("EnumerationValue must be of Enum type", "EnumObj"\);
//Tries to find a DescriptionAttribute for a potential friendly name
//for the enum
MemberInfo\[\] memberInfo = type.GetMember\(EnumObj.ToString\(\)\);
if \(memberInfo != null && memberInfo.Length > 0\)
object\[\] attrs = memberInfo\[0\].GetCustomAttributes\(typeof\(DescriptionAttribute\), false\);
if \(attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0\)
//Pull out the description value
return \(\(DescriptionAttribute\)attrs\[0\]\).Description;
//If we have no description attribute, just return the ToString of the enum
return EnumObj.ToString\(\);
#How to use
Run Table and Stored Procedure script in your DB and create a cs file by copying the above code.
Rename 'Tranzol' to your project name in following using statement to fix compilation error
```using Tranzol.Administration;```
Inherit your RowClass with interface IAuditLog. This will automatically pic the identity column to have insert in audit log.
[ConnectionKey("Default"), DisplayName("Users"), InstanceName("User"), TwoLevelCached]
public sealed class UserRow : LoggingRow, IIdRow, INameRow, IIsActiveRow, \*\*IAuditLog\*\*
\[DisplayName\("User Id"\), Identity, QuickSearch\]
public Int32? UserId
get { return Fields.UserId\[this\]; }
set { Fields.UserId\[this\] = value; }
- If you do not have Identity Column or need any other column to keep reference in audit table then use IExAuditLog and assign the field.
- If you want not to log any field in audit then use IgnoreAuditLog attribute on the field.
For example: Do not need to log logging field like InsertUserId, InsertDate, UpdateUserId, UpdateDate because that will already tracked by audit table.
[NotNull, Insertable(false), Updatable(false), IgnoreAuditLog]
\[ForeignKey\("\[dbo\].\[Users\]", "Id"\), LeftJoin\("jCreatedByUserDetails"\), TextualField\("CreatedByUserName"\)\]
public Int32? InsertUserId
get { return loggingFields.InsertUserId\[this\]; }
set { loggingFields.InsertUserId\[this\] = value; }
All changes are logged in json format. Here is the screenshot of the audit log -
![Audit Log Output](http://demo.tranzol.in/HappyAuditing.png\)