Adding Page Size Control to jsPDF
Sample Repository: Link
Adding page size control to the output of jsPDF is simple.
Go to Modules/Common/Reporting/PdfExportHelper.ts and edit the file as follows:
Find the export interface PdfExportOption and add pageSize?: string to the bottom of the list.
export interface PdfExportOptions {
grid: Serenity.DataGrid<any, any>;
onViewSubmit: \(\) => boolean;
title?: string;
hint?: string;
separator?: boolean;
reportTitle?: string;
titleTop?: number;
titleFontSize?: number;
fileName?: string;
pageNumbers?: boolean;
columnTitles?: { \[key: string\]: string };
tableOptions?: jsPDF.AutoTableOptions;
output?: string;
autoPrint?: boolean;
pageSize?: string;
Now search for the exportToPdf function and add the following lines and edit the jsPDF service call
` export function exportToPdf(options: PdfExportOptions): void {
var pgSize;
if (options.pageSize != null)
pgSize = options.pageSize;
pgSize = 'a4';
//Default Page size
url: g.view.url,
request: request,
onSuccess: response => {
let doc = new jsPDF('l', 'pt',pgSize);
You can now manage the page size by adding the pageSize when creating the button.
getButtons() {
var buttons = super.getButtons\(\);
grid: this,
onViewSubmit: \(\) => this.onViewSubmit\(\),
** pageSize: "a5"
return buttons;
The available options on page size can be seen at